tjmcdowell@mac.com39 Reyquinn Street,New London. CT 06320
Warning Signs, 2004-2022, beeswax on linen, 72" x 72"
Leaflet, 2002-2022, beeswax on linen, 76" x 76"
Erased Estate, 2002-2022, beeswax on linen, 76" x 76"
Anthracite Anthropocene, 2017, oil and wax on linen, 48" x 36"
Futile Attempts, 2016, 48" x 72"
Dry Land, wax on linen with silver leaf, 72"H x 48"W
Water Blanket, 2015,
Wave/Weight, 2015, 72" x 48